Monday, February 24, 2014

So it's happening this year...
the dreaded 4 0.
After much, MUCH thought, I figured I had two ways I could approach this.
Depression, bitterness, and self loathing
take this bad bitch by the horns and seize it with everything I've got.
Really, first option sounds way too horrible so let's just go with option number 2.
Because, after all, I don't FEEL 40.  I really don't think I LOOK 40 
(those of you who disagree with me can just shut it).  
So let's DO THIS!
I signed up for a half-marathon.  Wait, What?! 13.1 miles?  You betcha.  Let's once and
 for all drop those extra pounds, regain the energy of my youth, and conquer a goal I've been 
thinking about most of my adult lifetime, but way to chicken to actually do. 
Second, face my fear of rejection.  And how do I do this?  On the business side of things, 
my goal is to contact every single local shop to see if they'd like to carry my jewelry.  
Second, I really don't want to spend the rest of my nights, alone, surrounded by the 
warm bodies of a hundred dogs...
 yes, I could easily become the "dog" lady.
 Let's get my big tush out people, preferably guys, and see what happens. 
Good lord, I can't believe I just typed those words (shudder).
And REMEMBER, this is going to be FUN!
I'll let you know how it goes.


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